Procurement is primarily concerned with securing goods, services and works while contract management is concerned with the continuous review and management of the contractual terms and/or service level agreement secured through the procurement process to ensure the outcomes agreed are actually delivered by suppliers or partners. The process spans the whole cycle, from the identification of needs through to the end of a service or the end of the useful life of an asset and its disposal. Efficient procurement and contract management are at the heart of a productive economy.
The course is intended to provide participants with an understanding of:
The work of public procurement is no longer a clerical function performed independently by various people throughout different agencies or departments within a government entity. This training provides an overview of the ever-changing profession by identifying fundamental concepts that affect procurement in the public sector. Practical examples, discussion, group exercises and case studies will be used throughout the course
The aim of this course is to provide participants with:
Upon successful completion of this course participants will be able to:
There are no prerequisites for this class. Successful participants may either be new to the profession with less than one year of experience or be employed in various positions within the government.
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:
Effective contract and vendor management skills can ensure project success, speed, and performance, and reduce risks and cost along the way. Without question, vendors and contractors are important members of project teams. In fact, project success is quite often tied directly to the timely production of their deliverables or solutions. Yet, one of the greatest risks to any project is the introduction of vendors and contractors. Managing these important resources is critical.
This course provides the tools and techniques necessary to assist delegates in selecting, contracting and controlling their vendors and contractors.
The workshop will provide a clear framework for understanding supply chain theory, operations and how these are applied practically. The delegates will gain a solid grounding in supply chain management and will explore the essential concepts, real-life examples and best practices of supply chain management.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have a clearer understanding of the following:
This interactive training course leads delegates through the development and implementation of carefully crafted strategies for the acquisition of all goods, parts, equipment, and services. This is a critical issue for all organizations wishing to reduce operating costs while improving quality and productivity.
This training course explores key concepts of Strategic Cost/Price Analysis, Value Analysis and Total Cost of Ownership that will move today’s supply management organization to the strategic focus needed to achieve world-class performance. Organisations sticking to outdated procedural and tactical approaches will be outcompeted by leading organisations utilising the latest approaches and techniques to ensure that their supplier base matches their ambitions.
This training course will feature:
Target groups
E-procurement systems, applications designed to allow businesses to use the Internet in order to acquire the necessary goods and services, are not all created equal. The term itself is quite broad and actually includes several varieties of applications. Part of a successful implementation involves choosing the appropriate application.
The technology is designed to centralise and automate interactions between an organisation, customers, and other value chain partners to improve the speed and efficiency of procurement practices.
It boasts a suite of innovative features – all designed to bolster the efficiency, effectiveness and total cost of procurement.
Target groups
This course explores the process of identifying, selecting and negotiating with the suppliers that will help your organisation to be successful. No organisation can be successful without appointing the best suppliers and ensuring that contractual agreements maximise value for money. By applying the right processes for selecting suppliers, costs will be controlled, quality will improve and organisational efficiency will increase.
Suppliers will seek to optimise their return and need to be engaged in a way that ensures an appropriate relationship for the short and long term. Having the right knowledge and skills in tendering, procurement and negotiation is essential for any organisation to be successful, and requires appropriate planning and preparation rather than luck and optimism.
Target groups