SMPA DG, Ministry of Labor DG, National Civil Service Committee Chairperson orienting and wishing good luck for ToTs heading to Kenya School of Government training. These 25 ToT members are part of SMPA trainers benefiting from the partnership agreement between SMPS and KSG.Read More
The School of Management & Public Administration (SMPA) and the Kenya School of Government (KSG) have hosted Federal Government of Somalia senior officials attending a national training policy and training need assessment validation workshop at the KSG for a dinner. The Director General Prof. Ludeki Chweya, noted that learning is a continuous process and the KSG is seeking to step-up efforts to build competency and knowledge of the public servants...Read More
The School of Management and Public Administration at the National University has today concluded a training for secretaries of four ministries: 1- Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals 2- Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development 3- Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs 4- Ministry of Women and Human Rights The training was about the development of the secretarial skills of the staff of the above ministries and lasted for the...Read More